A computer keyboard with a ROI key

What’s the ROI on Email Marketing?

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, email marketing remains a cornerstone, consistently delivering impressive returns on investment (ROI). The UK’s Direct Marketing Association highlights a striking figure: an average return of £35.41 for every £1 spent on email marketing. This statistic is a testament to its vitality and prompts a deeper exploration into its efficacy and application across various industries.

The Unwavering Relevance of Email Marketing

Email marketing retains its relevance despite the advent of new marketing platforms and technologies. It’s a tool that effectively transforms strangers into friends and, eventually, into clients, a concept popularised by Seth Godin in his 1999 book on permission-based marketing.

Recent data supports this enduring relevance. A study by Privy indicates that businesses generate an average of $15.23 in sales for each email address added to their list. This underlines the importance of growing an email list and nurturing these connections to cultivate client relationships.

Global and Regional Statistics: A Comparison

Globally, the potency of email marketing is undeniable. In 2023, it’s projected that email marketing will continue to thrive, with forecasts suggesting that the number of active email users will reach 4.6 billion by 2025​​. The estimated email marketing revenue for 2023 is more than 10 billion U.S. dollars, underscoring its unparalleled ROI compared to other channels​​.

Internationally, the average expected ROI is staggering, with figures ranging from $38 to $44 for every $1 invested, indicating an ROI of up to 4400%​​​​. These figures surpass the already impressive UK average of £35.41 per £1 spent.

Email Marketing in the UK Context

In the UK, the relevance of email marketing is further highlighted by several key statistics:

  • 59% of UK customers prefer to receive promotional emails on a weekly basis​​.
  • 47% of UK customers have made a purchase due to a marketing email​​.
  • 73% of UK marketers consider email an excellent or decent medium for delivering ROI​​.
  • The average open rate for email marketing in the UK is 21.8%, with personalised emails achieving a higher open rate of 29.3%​​.
  • Email subject lines, including the recipient’s first name, have a 26% higher open rate​​.

These figures demonstrate the effectiveness of well-targeted and personalised email marketing strategies in engaging UK consumers and driving sales.

The Significance of Mobile Devices and Automation

A crucial aspect of this high ROI is the role of mobile devices, which account for about 60% of email opens​​. This shift towards mobile consumption demands a mobile-first approach in email marketing strategies.

Furthermore, the effectiveness of automated triggered emails cannot be overlooked. While general email marketing boasts high ROI, automated emails have shown even more impressive results, with top performers achieving ROI greater than $70 per $1 invested​​.

An Example: Industry-Specific Impact: Mortgage Advisers and IFAs

For industry-specific applications, like mortgage advisers and Independent Financial Advisers (IFAs), the impact of email marketing is equally significant. In these sectors, building trust and maintaining long-term relationships are crucial. Email marketing offers a direct line of communication to nurture these relationships.

Effective list-building and tailored email strategies can significantly boost client engagement and conversions, making it a vital tool for these professionals.


The evidence is clear: email marketing remains a powerful tool in the digital marketing arsenal. Its ability to adapt to changing consumer behaviours and technological advancements, coupled with its impressive ROI, makes it an indispensable strategy for businesses of all sizes and across all sectors.

Investing in a robust email marketing strategy, particularly focusing on list building and nurturing, can yield substantial returns, affirming the adage that sometimes, the oldest tricks are the best. As we continue to navigate the digital landscape, email marketing stands as a testament to the enduring power of well-crafted, targeted communication.

We can do all this for you and more, so get in touch with us to see how we can revolutionise your marketing strategy.

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